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The “Client” function is the first step in creating a file for a new Client and/or Joint Client. It allows you to enter all the required personal information.
Joint Client Verification
Joint Client Verification
About joint client verification You perform a “Joint Client Verification” when a new Joint Client provides you with Identification(s) that attests to who they say they are. Required Identification could be government issued documents (e.g. Passport, Drivers License, etc.) or other documents identified as legitimate identification. If the Joint Client is an Organization, extra business documents and information are required for verification such as (but not limited to): • Certificate of C
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Notes & Messages
Notes & Messages
About Notes & Messages Notes & Message allows you to add additional notes of any kind to the client’s file. It records who entered the notes and the date the note is created. How to Add notes to a client file Go to: Clients & Matters sidebar menu Clients tab find the Client’s Name Actions menu Notes & Messages. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/96ac27c8a584d000/ima
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Client Verification
About Client Verification You conduct a “Client Verification” when you collect information such as: • Have the client provide you with Identification(s) that attests to who they say they are • Confirm the client’s age • Use an agent to verify the client’s identity • Collect Source of Funds information such as client’s financial transactions, and more • Perform a “Monitoring Assessment” e.g., monitoring your professional business relationship with your client or a third party (https://s
About Client (Create, View, Edit, & Delete)
About Clients
About Clients The “Client” function is the first step in creating a file for a new Client. This feature allows you to enter all the personal information for that client. You can create (add) a Client as an: “Individual” or “Organization.” Who can use the Add new client feature Anyone who has access and entitlement rights to Danalix. How to Create/Add a new client To create a new client, go
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About Documents (Upload, Delete, Organize, etc.)
About Documents You are able to upload documents even after you have created a client. However, you do not have to create a client in order to upload documents on Danalix. To upload documents that are not driven from the client feature, use the “Files” navigation menu. How to Upload documents Go to: Clients & Matters sidebar menu Clients tab
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Joint Client
Joint Client
About Joint Client When you create a new Client, you can add a Joint Client as well. In addition, you can add as many Joint Clients to a Client’s profile. A Joint Client can be created as an Individual or a Corporation. Who can use the add joint client feature • All users who have access to Danalix application. • Joint Client feature is available with all Danalix subscription plans. How to Add a joint client After you create a new Client, you can “Add a Joint Client” by going to
Client Identification
About client identification Client identification allows you to add additional and detailed information about the client. There are two types of client identification forms provided to collect information for both individual and organization clients: Summary Client Identification Form and Advance Client Identification Form. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/96ac27c8a584d000
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